Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Sparagna, the Minturnese, my Master. 2015. Oil on canvas. Cm 50x70Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Elvis in the dream. 2015. Oil on canvas. Cm 60x80Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Guitarist on the road. 2015. Oil on canvas. Cm 70x70Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. The loneliness of the painter. 2015. Oil on canvas. Cm 80x60Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Brando, the wild. 2015. Oil on canvas. Cm 60x80Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Swirl of colors. 2015. Oil on canvas board. Cm 60x40Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Birthplace. 2015. Oil on canvas. Cm 60x40Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Puzzled apex. 2014. Oil on canvas. Cm 70x80Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Waiting for the show. 2014. Cm 50x70Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Majesty in the enchantment. 2013/14. Oil on canvas. Cm 100x70. Private collectionUgo Bortolin / Jbare. Touching autumn. 2014. Acrylic + oil su canvas board. Cm 50x70Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Silent winter. 2014. Acrylic + oil su canvas board. Cm 50x70Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Arrogant spring. 2002. Acrylic + ink on canvas board. Cm 50x70Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Exuberant summer. 2014. Acrylic + oil on canvas board. Cm 50x70Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. The other waiting of Penelope. 2014. Oil on canvas board. Cm 70x50Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. The house on the air. 2014. Oil on canvas. Cm 70x70Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Smiling projections about the future. 2014. Oil on canvas. Cm 100x50. Private collectionUgo Bortolin / Jbare. Throbbing waiting in Minturnae: Michele Graziosetto. 2013. Oil on canvas. Cm 80x70. Private collectionUgo Bortolin / Jbare. From frost of silence. 2012. Oil on canvas. Cm 100x50Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. To night its splendor. 2011. Oil on canvas. Cm 80x50. Private collectionUgo Bortolin / Jbare. Splendor in the night. 2011. Oil on canvas. Cm 80x60. Private collectionUgo Bortolin / Jbare. Raphael village. 2011. Oil on canvas. Cm 70x70Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Nymph of the lake. 2011. Oil on canvasUgo Bortolin / Jbare. Evil from below. 2011. Oil on canvasUgo Bortolin / Jbare. Clown on hold. 2011. Oil on canvas. Cm 80x60Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Clown on track. 2011. Oil on canvas. Cm 80x60Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. The (solved) dilemma of the clown 2011. Oil on canvas. Cm 100x50Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. The lantern, the iris, the moon. 2010. Oil on canvas. Cm 80x60Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Deceptions Naviglio. 2010. Oil on canvas board. Cm 60x40Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Snow and fog in Magenta. 2010. Oil on canvas. Cm 70x60Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. The Medusa of the outcasts. 2010. Oil on canvas. Cm 80x100Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Off Vancouver. 2010. Oil on canvas. Cm 40x60Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Arcs of light. 2010. Oil on canvas. Cm 70x80Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Gil the corsair. 2010. Oil on canvas. Cm 40x30Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. The kite. 2010. Oil on canvas. Cm 30x40Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. The dream of Angil. 2010. Oil on canvas. Cm 40x30
Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. House with a view. 2009. Oil on canvas. Cm 80x60Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Four arcs. 2009. Oil on canvas. Cm 80x70Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Cross on the snow. 2010. Oil on canvasUgo Bortolin / Jbare. Cupid and Psyche. 2009. Oil on canvas. Cm 120x70. Private collectionUgo Bortolin / Jbare. Night vapors in New Era. 2008. Oil on canvas. Cm 80x60Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Wood nymphs. 2008. Oil on canvas. Cm 80x70Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Ideal Minturnae. Oil on canvasUgo Bortolin / Jbare. Divine light. 2008. Oil on canvasUgo Bortolin / Jbare. Summer hymn to nature. Oil on canvasUgo Bortolin / Jbare. Between the old and the new. 2007. Oil on canvas. Cm 100x50Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. The bamboo reeds. 2007. Oil on canvas. Cm 70x70Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Souvenir photo in Futura. 2007. Oil on canvas. Cm 100x70Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. To the light. 2006. Oil on canvas. Cm 40x30Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Horsewoman to freedom. 2006. Oil on canvas. Cm 70x50Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Among the flowers. 2006. Oil on canvas. Cm 40x30Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Villa on the air. 2006. Oil on canvas. Cm 80x80. Owned by the authorUgo Bortolin / Jbare. The Magi in adoration. 2004. Oil on canvas. Cm 125x125Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Adoration of the Magi (from Leonardo). 2003. Oil on canvas. Cm 100x100Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Achille Bonito Oliva, critical three dimensions. 2003. Oil on canvas. Cm 80x60Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Minturnese dance. 2003. Oil on canvas. Cm 80x60. Public collection (TORONTO - Canada)Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Rural anthem.. 2002. Oil on canvas. Cm 200x100. Private collectionUgo Bortolin / Jbare. Mola: ancient and new. 2000/01. Oil on canvas. Cm 70x40. Private collectionUgo Bortolin / Jbare. Enchanted moon over the bay. 2000. Oil on canvas. Cm 80x50. Private collectionUgo Bortolin / Jbare. Simona Di Bello between colors. 2000. Oil on canvas. Cm 80x60. Private collectionUgo Bortolin / Jbare. The sleep of the magic tree. 2001. Oil on canvas. Cm 50x70Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. The awakening of the magic tree. 2001. Oil on canvas. Cm 50x70Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. The luxuriance of the magic tree. 2001. Oil on canvas. Cm 50x70Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. The maturity of the magic tree. 2001. Oil on canvas. Cm 50x70Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Wildflowers. 2000. Oil on canvas board. Cm 40x40. Private collection
Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Ancient Rome: light and shadow. 1999/2000. Oil on canvas. Cm 50x40. Private collectionUgo Bortolin / Jbare. Ancient Rome: nostalgic trip. 1999. Oil on canvas. Cm 50x40Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Circles on the turbid water. 1999. Oil on canvas. Cm 50x70Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. The hunting day is over (in the death of a horsewoman). 1998. Oil on canvas. Cm 120x60 Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Sorties of light. 1998. Oil on canvas. Cm 90x70. Private collectionUgo Bortolin / Jbare. Iris on the screaming sea. 1997. Oil on canvas. Cm 70x50. Private collectionUgo Bortolin / Jbare. Rainbow on the screaming billows. 1997. Oil on canvas board. Cm 70x50. Private collectionUgo Bortolin / Jbare. Tender night, sunny day. 1996. Oil on canvas. Cm 80x60. Private collection Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Radiated waves. 1996. Oil on canvas. Cm 80x50Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Sunny countryside. 1996. Oil on canvas. Cm 80x50. Private collectionUgo Bortolin / Jbare. Enchanted night in Minturno. 1996. Oil on canvas. Cm 80x60Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Waiting watermelon. 1996. Oil on canvasUgo Bortolin / Jbare. Spaces of light. 1996. Acrylic on canvas board. Cm 50x40. Private collectionUgo Bortolin / Jbare. Rainbow from the helicopter. 1996. Oil on canvas board. Cm 50x40Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. View of ancient Rome: nostalgic whim. 1996. Oil on canvas board. Cm 70x50. Private collectionUgo Bortolin / Jbare. Irradiated Urbania. 1996. Oil on canvas. Cm 60x60. Private collectionUgo Bortolin / Jbare. Jacob and Rachel. 1996. Oil on canvas. Cm 150x60. Private collectionUgo Bortolin / Jbare. Abandoned Christ. 1995/96. Oil on canvas. Cm 60x80Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. A white ray. 1996. Oil on canvas. Cm 40x30Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. White arc. 1996. Oil on canvas. Cm 40x30Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Arc white. 1996. Oil on canvas. Cm 40x30Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Green and red. 1996. Oil on canvas. Cm 30x40Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Red and green. White. 1996. Oil on canvas. Cm 40x30. Private collectionUgo Bortolin / Jbare. Green and red flower. 1996. Oil on canvas. Cm 40x30. Private collectionUgo Bortolin / Jbare. Bewilderment. 1996. Oil on canvas. Cm 40x30Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Childhood fantasy. 1996. Oil on canvas. Cm 40x30. Private collectionUgo Bortolin / Jbare. Night high: the splendor of the lake. 1995. Oil on canvas. Cm 80x50. Private collectionUgo Bortolin / Jbare. The moon and the rainbow. 1995. Oil on canvas. Cm 70x50. Private collectionUgo Bortolin / Jbare. A bowl with red border. 1995. Oil on canvas. Cm 70x50. Private collectionUgo Bortolin / Jbare. Mysterious hot gleams. 1995. Acrylic on canvas board. Cm 70x50. Private collectionUgo Bortolin / Jbare. Fourth rainbow. 1995. Oil on canvas board. Cm 70x50.Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Beyond the window the rainbow over the city. 1995. Acrylic on canvas. Cm 70x50Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. The iris beyond a cold plate. 1994. Oil on canvas board. Cm 70x50. Private collectionUgo Bortolin / Jbare. Iris of the memory. 1994. Oil on canvasUgo Bortolin / Jbare. The sun as myth. 1994. Oil on canvas. Cm 100x60Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. A ray on the city. 1994. Oil on canvas. Cm 40x30. Private collectionUgo Bortolin / Jbare. White light on the cross. 1994. Oil on canvas. Cm 200x100Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. A girl, a flower and rainbow. 1993. Oil on canvas. Cm 90x70Ugo Bortolin / Jbare. Irradiated country. 1993. Oil on canvas. Cm 80x60